In 1989, a young entrepreneur named Pete Catoe began a journey that would lead to what ECRS is today – an award-winning, innovative retail automation company with thousands of installations throughout the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean. With a handful of his co-workers, he started a small software company called ECR (Electronic Cash Register) Software Corporation that was based on a simple philosophy:
Develop and deliver commonsense, innovative retail automation solutions that work as advertised. Take care of your customers and employees, and profits will follow.
Catoe’s simple but powerful belief quickly became the foundation of ECRS’s down-to-earth business model. The company’s relentless pursuit of creating the highest quality software products, achieving world-class customer satisfaction, and fostering employee development over 30 years has transformed ECRS® into an internationally recognized leader in the retail automation industry.
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ECRS Today
At ECRS, we bring together retail software, hardware, and services to create complete, value-based solutions that perform as promised. By creating a framework of optional plug-and-play modules that work seamlessly with our core applications, we give our customers the freedom to choose as much, or as little, automation as their enterprise demands, and to expand their automation framework as their business grows.
Exhaustive research, intelligent design, and rigorous pre-market testing ensure that ECRS products integrate smoothly into existing retail environments. By providing our customers with automation tools that put real-time actionable enterprise data at their fingertips, we empower them to compete and expand their business in an increasingly competitive marketplace. ECRS works extensively with our neighbor, Appalachian State University, in research, development, recruitment, and student development.